Business > Voice > Cloud PABX
Cloud UC

Embrace the digital transformation

Simplify the way communications and collaboration works at your business.

Cloud Unified Communications enables you to move from just being connected to being truly productive - a single application for voice,video, messaging, conference, calendar and keep employees interactive on any device from any location.

Why move from traditional PABX
to Cloud UC?

  • Less equipment, less energy, less space
  • Latest technology
  • Pay only what is used
  • reliable and safe cloud solution

Key Benefits

Fast, simple and personalised business interaction

Increased mobility & work from anywhere

Business continuity

Easy to scale up and down for any type of workforce

Equipped to succeed. Anywhere.

Your company directory in the palm of your hand

Set up and manage conference calls from your smartphone

Video on the Go

Take your phone extension
with you

Use Presence to find and reach
the right people

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