my.t support

For Merchants

  • MauCas QR Code (any mobile network, any bank)
  • Enhanced mode of payment: Pay via mobile number easily now
  • Powerful dashboard through our my.t money Partner Portal & Merchant App
  • secure modes of payment
  • cashless
  • easy to use
  • 360 ° view of your business
  • Attractive loyalty reward partnership with merchants
  • competitive service fee
  • Download reports in real-time

To register as a merchant, you need to call on 8002121, and our agent will assist you.

You will be equipped with a QR Code and a merchant app on a smartphone or a POS to accept payments

No.  Your service fee remains the same for any payment accepted from any operator

  1. Customer scans merchant’s QR code on counter
  2. Customer scans QR Code on merchant’s app
  3. Customer enters merchant’s mobile number
  4. Merchant enters customer’s mobile number
  5. Merchant scans customer’s QR code


Merchant App overview >>

Point-of-Sale Kit overview >>


No.  my.t money cards will no longer be used.  Merchant needs to show QR code or enter customer mobile number for payment on POS

There may be internet connection issue on the customer’s mobile or the QR may be damaged.

Upon each transaction made, you will receive a transaction message on your mobile or POS. 

You can also verify the transaction on ‘’Wallet’’ on your merchant phone or ‘’Passbook’’ on your POS

You need to contact 8002121 to report the matter. Our team will do needful to replace same as soon as possible.

  • Maximum spending limit reached

It can be that the my.t money customer has reached the daily spending limit of up to Rs 50,000. 

  • Wrong PIN

It can be that the customer’s PIN has been blocked. 

  • Insufficient funds

 Not enough funds on the customer’s account. 

  • No internet connection 
  • Connection time out

If the POS is not responding, merchant can contact 8002121 for assistance or perform self-troubleshooting by resetting the POS terminal to clear any backlog or dead signal before resuming normal activity.

If the PIN was forgotten and the wrong PIN was entered three consecutive times, the POS or mobile app will be blocked. Please contact 8002121 for assistance.

You will need to call on 8002121 for reversal / adjustment

You need to contact 8002121 to change any information concerning your bank details.

You need to contact 8002121 to change any information concerning your personal details.

You will be provided access to my.t money Partner portal where you can access all your transactions; also same can be directly accessed through the “POS  Passbook” or “Mobile Phone Wallet” for each counter

For any technical issue please contact 8002121 to report same.

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